Coming SOON!!!!

Since the release of the original SEC Millenium 22 years ago, our engineers have designed and implemented enhanced optical absorption integrity, lower power consumption and developed software algorithms for our other infrared family of gas detectors and analyzers.  All of this knowledge, experience and features have been incorporated into the SEC Millenium Hawk.


Infrared Methane Gas Detector Monitors Former Landfills

July 15, 2008

New SEC Millenium Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector designed to measure methane in former landfills.  The SEC Millenium gas detector protects residences and businesses that have been built on top of former landfills.

The SEC Millenium Infrared Hydrocarbon Gas Detector can sense methane, propane, butane, IPA and several other hydrocarbons.  Uses for the SEC Millenium Infrared Gas Detector vary from pipelines, landfills, refineries, petrochemical plants, waste water treatment plants or wherever a gas leak could happen.

  • Explosion proof
  • Self-correcting – works for years without any recalibration or adjustment
  • Operates over temperature, RH, pressure extremes
  • Resistant to dust, dirt, aerosols, toxic/corrosive atmospheres
  • Self diagnosing fail-safe design advises user of operating status
  • Patented infrared, optical sensing technology